Certified by
a verified partner
Certified by:
Vitale 1913
Identified with a Daat
Advanced identification
Please visually inspect the unique sealing(s) pattern(s) to make sure this page is linked to the proper Thing. And that is has not been tampered with.
Owner | Vitale 1913 |
Lent to | No one |
Submitter | Vitale 1913 |
Certifier | Vitale 1913 |
Creator | Vitale 1913 |
Address | 0xa97eC5304036F36F14E856C40d228F43F6E462d6 |
Published on | 2019-12-01 22:53:04 |
Certified on | 2019-12-01 22:53:04 |
Slug | |
Public | |
Price | 1000€ By Vitale 1913 |
Color | Purplish red By Vitale 1913 |
Shape | Cabochon By Vitale 1913 |
Weight carat | 077 By Vitale 1913 |